Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Decimal indicator comma instead of dot. Number fix using JavaScript.

We recently had an issue where a customer was complaining that our website does not accept commas as decimal indicators on a certain page. Which is fair, it was never written to accept commas. but what if regional settings changes an unknowing users way of interacting with our system?

First I tried to replicate the issue by changing my decimal indicator using the steps below:

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Move multiple items from one ListBox to another ListBox ASP.NET

Adding multiple items from one ListBox to another seems like a trivial thing. Lets say you want to generate a report, but you are only able to add 1 item at a time from one ListBox to another. Wouldn't that just be a waste of time?

Below is a code snippet that iterates through your first ListBox and then adds it to the second, ensuring no duplicates are being added.